Thursday, July 27, 2017

Ethanol fuel warning

On days that the temperature outside will exceed 90 degrees,
Do not fill your car or motorcycle with ethanol gas.
Ethanol in the fuel will vaporize causing misfire and potential catastrophic
Damage to your cars engine or motorcycle engine.
Ethanol vaporizes at 93 degrees .
If you have to drive and the outside temp is higher than 90
Put as much ethanol free gas in your machine as possible.
Always make sure to follow the manufactures octane recommendation for your particular engine.
Not all ethanol free will meet that requirement, so please be cautious.
If you must use ethanol gas in the higher temps, make sure to not excessively idle your machines,
I.e. Sitting in traffic without proper airflow  will certainly cause this problem.
If you ride a motorcycle, keep you bike moving in hot weather, always keep moving.
If you get stuck in traffic, pull over shut off your machine until temp falls below 93.