Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dirty air cleaner or neglect?

    Ok, it's kind of a loaded question. But without seeing the worse case scenario, you would not believe it if I told you. So here it is. I really got a call from a customer who complained of a wondering idle problem, and the throttle was sticking badly when he released it while driving, scarey!!!!  let's just say a picture is worth a thousand words or maybe just one... I am going to skip why the throttle was skipping because it was even more obvious why.
     There really is no reason for me to have to explain why this is bad for the overall expectation on how long the engine will last with an air filter in such a state, but I will. A wondering idle in this case was most likely caused by the large hole in the air cleaner itself. Not only was the ambient air entering the engine not being filtered, the hole also disrupted the air entering the carbs, disturbing the fine balance of air and fuel as it enters the combustion chamber. Adding air to the mixture leans it out, creating more heat, and also creating more power. But if you are too lean, you will experience the same symptoms as "What to look out for tip #1", Cracked air intake boots.  Wandering idle, hot pipes, blue pipes, lean mixture, popping, caughing on idle, and uneven burn, all causing loss of power in extreme cases,  and can potentially cause severe engine damage. Going unchecked, your engine won't last long.
      Remember, an air cleaner is an engineered product, do not attempt to repair a bad air cleaner, replace with only an oem or K and N air filter.  See "TTLOFT#3, K and N air filter or OEM?

Mobile Motorcycle Mechanic LLC.

1 comment:

  1. The Air cleaner system of any engine is an important factor that keeps the engine temperature and fuel consumptions normal. So these type of issues must not be ignored by anyone to smoothly run the engine. That is the reason the Motorcycle Mechanic Jobs are tough and rare as compare to auto mechanics cause of the small industry.
