Thursday, April 14, 2011

Post your questions here for Mobile Motorcycle Mechanic

Hello all,  I created this blog for those out there who are having trouble with their bikes.  I know how difficult it can be troubleshooting an electrical problem, or ohhh wait, is it a fuel problem?  Post your questions here for all to see and we can all help eachother figure out what is going on with your ride.  Thanks again


  1. What would you recommend as an emergency tool kit to carry on rides?

  2. Here it goes.
    2- 8mm ,10mm,12 mm wrenchs, combo
    #3 screwdriver, insulated handle
    #1 5 inch flathead screwdriver.
    1- leatherman wave
    1- leatherman pst 2 or better
    1- led maglight aa
    1- roll of 1 inch duck tape
    1- roll of electrical tape
    1 -crescent wrench
    1- harbor freight 12 volt battery tester
    1- set of extra spark plugs.
    All should store easily in a small pouch.
    Don't get caught without any tools. Kits can be taylored for each bike, and individual needs.


    Please follow this important safety recall. Make sure that your brake lights work when you squeeze the brake handle.

  4. I also would include a few extra fuses.

  5. my bike is starting to shift hard from neutral to first and 1st to second, am i going to need a new clutch?

  6. A few questions.
    What year and make of bike?
    How many miles?
    Do you clutch wheelie the bike?
    Do you race?
    When was the engine oil changed last?
    What kind of oil are you running? Synthetic?
    Answers to these questions can lead to a conclusion.
    I would pull the clutch cover, remove clutch steels and plates, closely inspect with a micrometer for speck. Check crankcase for metal and nonferros debris. Also check the sides of your clutch springs for abrasions. This means the springs and studs need replaced asap. Replace clutch steel pack if it shows any signs of overheating. If you are in the Colorado Springs area of Colorado I can replace your clutch for a great price.

  7. I am about purchasing a pre owned dirt bike locally and I know you can't judge a bike from its chrome shine but it need full engine check up from some good mechanic before purchasing .I need some local mechanic to help me with it can you suggest someone .
    local mechanic>
